Advertising market size (USD): 6.2 billion
Launch date: March 2021
Strategic priorities: The chapter’s work will address gender stereotypes in advertising with a focus on progressive portrayals of women and men in non-traditional roles in the home and in the workplace. A second focus will be to transform the objectification of women and harmful masculinities in media and advertising that reinforce gender-based violence.
Members: Danone, Diageo, Mars, PepsiCo, Publicis Groupe, Unilever, VML
Mexico National Chapter launches new Mexico Effie award
Through their partnership with the founding ally AVE, the Mexico National Chapter participated in the 2021 and 2022 EFFIE Awards. In 2021 a specific category was opened for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, and in 2022, the category was strengthened with a more gender-equality orientation. UN Women participated again as juries of the awards to ensure a gender perspective. The “Positive Impact – Diversity Equality and Inclusion” category applies to any brand campaign or non-profit entities, whose success was directly linked to the effective and authentic connection with an underrepresented or vulnerable population, culture, ethnicity, group or community (example: LGBTIQ+, people with disabilities, communities indigenous, women, etc.). This year UN Women is participating again in the 2024 EFFIE awards as part of the jury and as panelist in the conference: The power of diversity to increase brand effectiveness (El poder de la diversidad para elevar la efectividad de las marcas).
The Geena Davis on Gender in Media and UNICEF launch research on advertising in Mexico and the Caribbean and links to gender equality, norms and violence against women
The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media and UNICEF have launched two reports which examine the forms and prevalence of gendered messaging in advertising content in Mexico and the Caribbean. The study includes a systematic content analysis of gender representation in 400 advertisements from television and digital media that aired in Mexico between 2019 and 2021 and 600 from television and digital media in four Caribbean countries (Barbados, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago) during the same time period. The analysis identifies how women, girls, men, boys, and gender-diverse individuals are portrayed in the content and explores how these depictions might reinforce or challenge harmful gender norms, including those associated with the perpetration and normalization of violence against women. In addition to providing valuable baseline data for monitoring progress and accountability toward gender representation in advertising, the evidence generated from the studies also informs a series of concrete recommendations. Guidance includes how advertising agencies, policymakers, and other international bodies can better promote positive messages that advance the rights of all children. Download it here.
Mexico National Chapter celebrates International Women’s Day with AVE interview on Mundo Ejecutivo
The Mexico National Chapter celebrated International Women’s Day by having Roxana Flores (Communications Officer, UN Women Mexico) sit down for a wide-ranging interview on Mundo Ejecutivo’s YouTube channel with Rosario Zavala, President of the Equality and Inclusion Committee of AVE, Mexico’s leading communications and advertising association. The discussion centered around the Unstereotype Alliance National Chapter’s work in Mexico, the newly created Diversity, Equality and Inclusion award category in the Effie’s, and the benefits of becoming allies for gender equality. Watch the full interview (in Spanish).

Launch: The National Chapter in Mexico launched on the inaugural day of the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico City. A coalition of nine major advertisers and industry associations have united to combat harmful stereotypes in the country’s advertising and media content.
Learn more
- Complete the membership form to enquire about joining the Mexico National Chapter.