Publish Date: Eki 25, 2018

- "Take The Lead 2020"; a pledge to increase women in leadership roles within the company by 20% by the year 2020
- "Circle of Women"; a mentorship and leadership training program aimed at building a healthy pipeline of female leaders withinthe agency's New York headquarters
- Global training programs; bringing together talent from all levels and disciplines to inspire, motivate and further engage high performing\high potential employees, providing guidance and education around career progression and the future of the industry
- Targeted recruiting; including a number of creative internship programs focused on diverse and female talent
- Responsible advertising
TBWA\RAAD: Nissan #SheDrives
Nissan Middle East is marking the government of Saudi Arabia's recent decision to overturn the ban on women driving cars in its latest campaign in the region. From June 2018, women will be allowed to drive, but according to the documentary-style film from Nissan, many are hesitant because of prejudice against them and fear that their male relatives will disapprove.
Goal: To give real women the chance to get a real taste of driving a car, but to also highlight the men who were supporting their decision, all who had different feelings about the decree initially. By promoting the content, we hoped to normalize the decision for the other millions of men to support their wives, sisters and daughters in exercising their right to drive.
What it is: TBWA\RAAD took a group of women and offered them a special driving lesson; unbeknownst to them, the instructors were men close to them such as their fathers, brothers and husbands. The video shows their surprise as they meet their relatives, and how their confidence grows as they take their first lesson behind the wheel.
Recognition: #SheDrives won a Gold Lion at the Cannes International Festival of Creativity, and won a Grand Prix, 3 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze across various categories at the Dubai Lynx 2018.
The Unstereotype Alliance Member Spotlight highlights members’ innovative experiences and exceptional efforts in the areas of social impact, diversity and inclusion. The case study below serves as an example of best practices to lead the effort in fostering an unstereotyped culture.